Domestic violence attorney

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

10 Tips for Individuals Considering a Divorce

There are few events more emotional than the decision to divorce is that your only option. You need to know what to expect and how to deal with it as a life changing scenario.

I have more than 9 years of experience in family law / matrimonial arena and in those years, I have met are a few tips for people who divorce. But here too, which I believe is the "Top 10" tips you should know:

1. Your divorce lawyer is your central source for information ... but he / she is notYour therapist.

2. Be sure to copy all documents and files that you see in your home or business. Never assume that a document is irrelevant.

3. Never destroy documents and files.

4. Do not involve your children in conflict with your spouse. Know your children that Mom and Dad have a divorce, so you do not need to participate. Let your children be children.

5. Cooperation and communication with your attorney.

6. Do not confuse your attorney's advocacy onYour name with animosity toward your spouse's attorney. You need your attorney to establish good relations with the other side or else you'll spend more in legal fees than would otherwise be the case.

7. Your lawyer will charge you their time, so be sure to group your questions or just call if necessary.

8. Let your children in schools and daycare centers, who is and who is not allowed to pick up the children.

9. Know where yourChildren's passports and other important documents are.

10. Be sure to ask questions.

Nothing herein is to create a client relationship and is not intended to provide a legal professional.

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