Domestic violence attorney

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Your DUI Attorney in Ventura

At the Law Office of Jennifer Zide, we understand that a DUI in Ventura can happen to anyone. When you are charged with a DUI in Ventura, you face serious penalties including jail time, license restrictions, costly fines and programs. When you are charged with a DUI in Ventura, you need a DUI attorney who cares about you and who will go the extra mile to get you the best results for a fair price. At the Law Office of Jennifer Zide, we are YOUR DUI Attorney Ventura. We are committed to protecting your individual rights and giving you the best defense possible.

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Let a Knowledgeable SF Domestic Violence Attorney Help You When You Need it Most

Facing a domestic violence charge in San Francisco is tough and can carry some pretty harsh penalties, including jail, fines, mandatory counseling for one year and more.  And, if you've been charged with domestic violence, it has probably torn your world apart.  The chances are, there is a way out of your domestic violence offense, and a knowledgeable and qualified criminal law firm in San Francisco can help you find it.

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Friday, April 15, 2011

The Reasons Behind False Rape Charges

False rape charges are among the worst charges anyone can accuse anyone else of. It destroys your reputation and makes it very difficult t move on with your life. The most glaring example of this has been the Duke Rape Case. In that case, the DA was running for re-election and wanted to prosecute innocent college students so he can retain his seat. In the end he was disbarred, jailed and kicked out of office. The students sued the school and the DA's office. Why does this happen? Why do people do this? What can be done about it?

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

I bootless the animation test; what acceptable will an advocate do me now?

Arrested for a DUI? Confused and not sure what to do next? Contact Jacksonville Criminal Attorney Ruth Ann Hepler, she can guide you through the overwhelming process of defending your DUI charge. Call 1800-295-4193 to get a FREE copy of our book, The State of Florida v. YOU: The Accused's Guide to Defending a Florida DUI charge.

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