Domestic violence attorney

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Statistics on Spousal Abuse

Domestic violence is the dirty, little secret that is a common thread weaved into the fabric of all societies. It does not discriminate against race, religion, culture socioeconomic status or gender. However, the victim in the majority of domestic violence cases is female. According to statistics on spousal abuse, one-third to one-half of adult women have been abused by her spouse or significant other. It is estimated that over half of the attacks on women are perpetrated by someone they know, usually a husband or a boyfriend. Domestic violence is usually a response by the male in an effort to control, physically, mentally and/or emotionally, his female partner.

The victim of spousal abuse generally lives in fear, intimidation and humiliation. Her abuser makes her a captive in her own home and in her own life as the abuser exerts power and control over her. Because of his manipulation and her isolation and lack of emotional support, the female becomes dependent on the abuser for everything, including her identity. Statistics on spousal abuse indicate that once a victim is isolated from her friends and family, the domestic violence becomes more intense. Types of domestic violence include: physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and economic deprivation.

Many victims of domestic violence find themselves isolated from family and friends and humiliated by their situation. It stands to reason that many cases of domestic violence go unreported. Statistics on spousal abuse demonstrate that the majority of women who are victims of abuse do not report these occurrences to either their physician or anyone else. Some of the injuries are so severe that hospital admission or serious treatment is required. In addition, the vast majority of these incidences are never reported to the police. Abuse such as verbal and emotional abuse are not considered criminal acts, but these types of abuses can, and many times do, lead to criminal behaviors, such as assault.

The common response to an issue of domestic violence is to wonder why the woman just does not leave the abuser. As with any other relationship, there are many factors that affect a female's decision to stay with her abuser. Some of the most cited reasons that a female stays with an abusive spouse are:

o Fear and shame

o Lack of resources (financial, support, etc)

o Children

o Feelings of guilt

o Promises of reform by abuser

o Love for her spouse

Spousal abuse is cyclical, and there are distinct phases to spousal abuse. The abuse begins as the male's frustrations and stresses build. According to spousal abuse statistics, more likely than not, the female will continue to face abuse as long as she is with the abusive partner regardless of his promises to change. Spousal abuse goes underreported by female victims, and when the victim seeks medical help only a small percentage of cases are reported as domestic violence cases. Spousal abuse is a persistent, silent epidemic that affects millions of women each year.

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