When you have just been arrested for any type of criminal charge, you probably have a lot of stress that you are currently dealing with. The last thing that you should need to worry about is the process that will determine your bail amount.
The Austin jail release process can be complicated so you must be aware of all that you will be involved in. Once you are arrested, the police will bring you down to the police station to go through the booking process. During this time, they will take your mug shots and finger prints. They will also write down your personal information to keep on file, so you will permanently be in the system. They will put you in a jail cell where you will be held until it is time for your bail hearing.
The bail hearing is one of the most important parts because of the fact that you will be seeing a judge. Understanding how your bail is determined can be an important factor because if they assign you a large bail amount, you will most likely not be able to pay it. One of the first things that the judge will look at is the current criminal charges that you were arrested for. Depending on how severe the charges are will determine how extensive your bail amount will be.
The next factor that they judge will look at is your past criminal history. If you have been arrested on multiple occasions for different types of charges or even for the same charges, the judge will be less likely to be lenient on your case. If this happens to be your first offense, the judge might be willing to give you a lower bail amount because you have been a good law abiding citizen with no criminal history.
The last factor that the judge will look at is your behavior. This means that the judge will consider how you acted when you were being arrested. If you were belligerent with the police and refused to go with them peacefully, the judge will be more likely to give you a larger bail amount. If you were compliant with the police in every request that they gave you, the judge will be more likely to lower your bail amount because of your overall attitude. Remember that the judge can set your bail amount anywhere from $50-500,000 depending on the circumstances of your case.
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