Domestic violence attorney

Monday, May 31, 2010

MA Prosecutor Heard FIRED after arrested for dv

BOSTON SEPTEMBER 2007 A Massachusetts prosecutor is out of a job after allegations of domestic abuse surfaced. The Suffolk County assistant district attorney faces charges for one of the very crimes he normally prosecutes. Melvin Heard, 29, a prosecutor for the district attorney's office for the past two years, has handled cases, including domestic violence, at Dorchester District Court. Now he is an alleged batterer, accused of beating his fiancée multiple times, court documents say. The Reports of the police claim that his girlfriend has heard, attacked twice in the past eight months inside and outside his native Boston. In January, neighbors heard a woman scream and then heard a few shots and called the police. A woman who asked not be identified, lives in the apartment below. "It is always at midnight," she said. "You hear crashing and banging. I think he is a hypocrite. He sends people to jail for domestic violence and comes home and does the same." In August, theprosecutor's girlfriend told police Heard beat her up and smashed the windshield of her car. In one of the cases, investigators say when police showed up at the couple's home, Heard told his fiancée not to answer any of the officer's questions. Heard was suspended with pay in August. Now he has lost his job with the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office. He faces multiple charges including assault and battery.

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1 comment:

  1. Melvin Alanson Heard or someone who is concerned with his interests has reported the two YouTube videos concerning his arrest and Youtube may take them down.

    I posted this in the comments of both Youtube pages:

    To Google /YouTube Support:

    I appreciate the notification email regarding the complaint you received about 2 videos I posted of news items showing Suffolk County assistant district attorney Melvin Heard's domestic violence charges. I will leave it in your hands to review and remove or keep the videos in place. If you watch the two videos and see the few comments you will be able to determine whether it's newsworthiness outweighs other factors. I accept whatever decision Youtube makes. I am not intimidated by him as you can see by the comments or his emails to me - but again I accept the Youtube final decision.

    Google search to see the bigger picture and that these videos are not the only public information:

    Suffolk County "Melvin Heard" OR "Melvin A. Heard"

    Thank you.
