Domestic violence attorney

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Teen Dating Violence - So, He Hits You

You're so in love. It is your boo. They go hand in hand, talking about how happy you are both to be together. Make one of your male friends to him. As you note on foot, you notice that seems to bother your friend. He starts accusing you flirt. They dismissed his argument as unreasonable and unfounded. He hits you.

The statistics of teenagers from abuse are enormous. A study in 2005 conducted by Teenage Research Unlimited study found that reported 1 in 3 young people knowa friend or peer that was hit, punched, kicked, beaten, choked or physically hurt by their partner. The age group most at risk from violence and sexual assault is age 16 to 24 I'm afraid the numbers are climbing as the victims are getting younger.

When asked why they allowed it to become a victim, a young girl often responds: "I love him," He apologized, "or" It was really not so bad. " He may have convinced her that she is at fault. You may have fears and anxietiesfurther retaliation.

As a parent of a teenager, I find it so disheartening that our fine, tires get young men and young ladies like a distorted view of love and intimacy. One could easily point to the lyrics of popular music and subliminal messages of seduction as their bling-bling and dancing flash in a sea of scantily clad women, lush. Cast films also perpetuate teen idols to thug love so sexy and desirable. These images can feed the issue, but theyare not the problem. I believe that is in the absence of truth, the mind to accept a lie.

The purpose of this article is not on the perpetrators or the bash abused, but to tell the truth. Truth enlightens and makes what is hidden - the pain. Our children are in pain. I remember an interview that Oprah did not with mothers who had killed their children. At the conclusion of the interview, one of the women said to her: "I can not believe you do not hate us." With tears on her face, Oprahreplied: "That's the way you dealt with your pain. I chose another way to deal with me." Our children do not know how they deal with their pain.

Unresolved pain distorts the view of themselves and others. Anger, in its diverse forms, is the smoke screen that hides the depth of a pain. Especially in relationships, you will meet someone for the pain. If you do not understand something, that you are not the cause of the pain, you accept attacks. You may even believe that you understand your attackerin a way that nobody else does. That is not love.

Love does not hurt. Love does not seek to put someone in pain or danger. In your humanity you will do something wrong. You will make mistakes and bad decisions. But your boyfriend or girlfriend never ever has the right to punish you with words or fists. He or she may feel intense disappointment in your behavior. This is fine and even human. However, the retaliation, more subtle forms of abuse, such as the silentTreatment or to say, "nothing" to know if you know that something is wrong, is not acceptable and should not be tolerated.

Abuse occurs when a person feels powerless. It is not the byproduct of an overwhelming passion. If you feel threatened or abused in a relationship, make him known. If you are not taken into consideration your feelings, get out. If he tries to you with your parents, get out of disrespect. If he tries to isolate you from your friends, and what makes sense for you, get out. If you push it toby sex, get out. If he takes drugs or with alcohol consumption by minors, get out. If he embarrassed you in front of colleagues, get out.

Teach them to treat people as you and if you refuse to allow abuse, you will send a clear message that he has become a gentleman, to be with you. Real power and control is the commitment to himself and accepting no less than his best treatment for you.

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